The endless-online comic

The endless-online comic

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hello again

Well, after that short couple of weeks break from EO to attend issues in real life, I am back.

I need to log into Endless to get some more news, but what I've gathered so far is that:

1. Speeding has decresed, if not stoped. I have loged in a few times, its not confirmed but i have yet to see a speeder.
2. It seems there is a new jail, not connected to the main world map of EO. Most likely it somewhere behind the level 100 gates in the admin room where no on can pass, aside from the admins.
3. I have noticed an icrease amount of morons on global, more then normaly; Just random people yelling their (maybe fake) phonenumbers on global begging people to call, insulting eachother, ect. Well, this does happen every once in a while, and with a decrease of respectible people posting on global as of late, this maybe will continued, maybe not.


I am very sorry to Wickedfrost, I didn't mean to keep your banner up so long, i will fix that ASAP.



Anonymous said...

Yay! I knew you weren't dead! : ) I agree with what your saying...still. Ignore 'flamers', they have nothing better to do. Good luck with ur blogs

Anonymous said...

stfu already pcessna look at ur profile almost all u say is computers. jesus its either ur a nerd or ur gonna b a nerd.

dewdrops said...

endless online endless report gonce hads all the maps of eo where do iget them now ?why no new post allsare of 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

where r all the maps of eo ? -dewdrops